Field Notes, Spring 2024 Quarterly Edition, Flora

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  • Regular price £14.50
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“Flora” was (or is, depending on your theology) the Roman goddess of flowers, the fertility of the land, and the coming of spring. Field Notes have borrowed her name for their 62nd Quarterly Edition. Three original designs by Chicago artist, muralist, and designer Emmy Star Brown grace the covers of these bright, joyful Memo Books. 

Emmy‘s work evokes the creativity of our youthful selves!

The vibrant colours and shapes, printed on high-quality 100#C McCoy cover stock from Sappi, are precisely what we all need to break out of the bleak winter and into the hopeful spring. The artwork is enhanced by the subtle application of contrasting glossy and dull varnishes. Inside you’ll find three distinct page styles: one ruled, one dot graph and one plain, featuring subtle grey ink on excellent Domtar Lynx 60#T paper. Glossy red staples tie it all together, figuratively and literally.

These Quarterly Editions are limited. So like spring itself, they won‘t be around long.

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