Kaweco Supra Fountain Pen, Fireblue

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  • Regular price £180.00
  • 1 available

The Kaweco SUPRA fountain pen evolved from its cousin, the LILIPUT, but is altogether larger - longer, broader and heavier. 

The SUPRA is an uber-flexible pen with a removable mid-section to provide optional elongation whilst retaining it's sleek lines, It has a screw-on cap. Used long, the Kaweco SUPRA can take long cartridges or a standard converter. Used short, it uses Standard International cartridges or a Kaweco mini / squeeze converter.

The Kaweco SUPRA Fireblue is made of solid stainless steel which has had a blowtorch applied to it. This process gives each pen it's own unique finish unlikely to match any other. It has a large stainless steel German 250 nib in Medium but conatct us if you require other options.

It comes in a nostalgic Kaweco gift tin.

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