Divide & Rule
With over 20 years’ experience in the design industry, Divide & Rule know the value of hand drawn and crafted. The need to disconnect and embrace the joy of making.
Finding that despite the world of stationery providing an exceptionally broad selection of pens and pencils for tailoring your mark on the page, there wasn't the same choice of tools for how to measure and draw accurately.
Divide & Rule have created a collection of geometry tools that are easy to read (especially for those with dyslexia) and easy to use, whether individually or combined. A selection of considered rules, rulers, triangles, set squares, protractors and other drawing aids that are all intuitive to use.
With this collection, Divide & Rule went back to the very basics of what each tool needs to do. Redesigning the millimetre increments to make them easier to follow and creating products that dimension from each corner and in both directions. Also considering how and where a datum point is needed and when you would need to mark it.
The end result is a unique collection of timeless geometry tools designed to make your creative process as easy as possible.