Friendly Frencils, HB Pencil Set

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  • Regular price £10.00
  • 8 available

Friencils by USTUDIO Design are set of six HB pencils offering helpful, scribbly positive affirmations to keep your spirits up when the going gets tough. Each pencil features a different happy and positive slogan - words of support you might expect from your best friend when things aren't going your way. They're packaged in a bright and sunny little box which means they're also great as a stationery gift for someone who will appreciate the sentiment. The slogans on the Friencils pencil set are:

  • You are all kinds of ace
  • Take a deep breath. You can do it
  • Whatever happens, know you're amazing
  • Hooray for your awesomeness
  • Be brave. You're already brilliant
  • Hey, you got this

Also worth noting:

  • Box of six pre-sharpened HB pencils
  • Square pencils with six different 'friendly' slogans - square is the new hex!
  • Natural wood with colour dipped ends
  • Made in the UK

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